Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pilgrims's Map of the Day

Are you all on the right path, try these links to help.

* I love Lifehacker and have now for about two years. They listed yesterday the top 10 underhyped webapps that you can't really call yourself "technologically savvy" unless you know about and use them (I made the last half of that sentence up and I didn't know about any of these).

* Ever wanted to dress up like Christopehr Walken and do your own "More Cow Bell" sketch? Well then click the thumbnail and print out a full size cut out Walken mask. Running low on ink? Then do like me and just print out the thumbnail and make an awesome finger puppet. Oh the fun!

* As you may or may not know I do substance abuse counseling. I was sent this link today that really brings to light the hypocrisy of many Americans about "legal" as opposed to "illegal" drugs. Read on.

* Are people who will suffer in eternal torment a.k.a. HELL, not getting exactly what they want. Click here to have your thoughts tickled.

* And finally, watch this video of some guys doing stuff with a basketball and trampolines that are pretty amazing.

The Devils Acrodunk Mix-tape - Click here for funny video clips

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