Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Post - 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. As I prepare to start my day of feasting and spending time with family I thought that I would just make a listing of the people in 2008 who I am thankful for begin a part of my life and stemming growth in me. I thank all of you for who you are.

  • Joy Brumley - My wife. You have accepted me and deal with me despite my many flaws. You are a wonderful wife and mother and have inspired me to grow spiritually in ways that I can not put into words. As you prepare to deliver our third child this Sunday I have to tell you how amazed I am by you. Thank you for sticking by me and for showing your love to me.
  • Ethan and Luke Brumley - My sons. The two of you have saved my life by becoming my life. I cannot think of a greater gift than to get to watch the two of you grow. You both are perfect and I tremble at the fact that I get to call you sons.
  • David Brumley - My father. No other person has taught me more about charity and long suffering than you. Thank you for laying out such an admirable example before me.
  • Linda Brumley - My mother. Your kindness and willingness to put others before yourself is something that I will never manage to live up to.
  • The elders of Kingsville Church of Christ - My mentors. Thank all of you for your devotion to God. Thank you for your support in ideas that others and myself want to try to advance the gospel. Your thoughtfulness and desire to follow New Testament principles keeps the gospel burning at our church.
  • Jason Jarrett - My deacon. Jason, I see the fire that is burning in you and I admire your courage greatly. From your willingness to make the decision to home school to your great ideas to bring groups of Christians together on days other than Sunday or Wednesday, I am impressed. I learn from you and hope to continue growing with you.
  • Amber Jarrett - My mirror. Your willingness to admit flaws and to look to God for the answers is what true Christianity is about. I have learned much from you this year and you have given me courage to look deeper into my soul for what needs fixing.
  • Michael Burks - My friend. Michael, thank you for your willingness and ideas in helping out with our youth program at Kingsville. Thank you for your honesty and hope for a better tomorrow. I hope to continue growing with you.
  • Anthony Lindley - My children's friend. Thank you for the work that you have done teaching my children on Sunday morning. I know that they have learned from you about being a Christian man. You have made a lasting impression on them and on me for your willingness to make and follow-through with tough decisions.
  • Linda Real - My muscle. Thank you for your strength. I have watched you for years fight for Jesus but I have never seen you fight like I have this year. Your strength is amazing. Thank you for the honor of asking me to eulogize your husband who I loved and miss.
  • Anita Real - My teacher. Since childhood I have learned from you and John. Your lessons that I have applied in my life have gone much further than what I learned as a child in your Sunday School class. As Christian spouses, parents, leaders, and workers I have known none better. Thank you for the honor of speaking at the funeral of the toughest and greatest Christian's funeral I have ever known.
  • Will White - My brother. Will, I can not think of anyone who has had a tougher year than you. Still you have managed to navigate 2008 with a smile on your face and hope in your heart. Thank you for your example and friendship.
  • Matt Thigpen - My past. Matt, I look at you and the life you have chosen and I see the life I wish I had chosen when I was your age. Thank you for your toughness, desire to serve, and love of Christ. Thank you for allowing me to grow with you.
  • Ryan Gallagher - My missionary. Ryan, you are truly doing the work that Christ set before us. I see the effect of your efforts on our mutual youths and I am amazed and happy that Christ has chosen this road for you at this time. Thank you for being willingness to serve, your great ideas, and for your support in what we are trying to do in this small part of the world.
  • John Paul - My friend. Thank you for your honesty, desire to change, and what you are doing. You are not only making Max and Emily's world a better place but mine as well. I'm fighting with you.

I am sure I have left people off this list that I need to thank and everyone who I contact each day plays a huge part in me getting to where I want to be. I would be remiss if I did not thank Jesus Christ as well. You love me and that is all I need. Thank you.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Isaiah Chapter 4 - an observation

I have recently begun a very in depth study of the book of Isaiah and am privileged to be able to have my Sunday School class of young adults help me in this study. We just completed chapter 4 and I'd like to share some of my thoughts on the book of Isaiah up to this point.

When I first started studying chapter 4 I thought to myself that it would be a quick and fast study as it is only six verses long. Two hours in I realized just how wrong I was. While it may be short, this chapter is packed full of thought provoking ideas as well as the introduction of Isaiah's prophecy regarding Jesus the Messiah. I would like to focus on that aspect today.

In chapter 4:2, Isaiah states that a branch of the Lord was coming. This branch was to be Jesus and is a fulfillment of much Old Testament prophecy regarding the Messiah rising from the "tree" of David. Not only is there a branch but it will bear fruit that will bring glory to those still faithful to God. The fruit mentioned here is the gospel. So, the gospel will come from the branch that is Jesus. Later in the chapter the Holy Spirit is also mentioned as something that will come with this branch. So, in Isaiah chapter 4 the people of Judea are told that Jesus Christ is coming with a message and a spirit that will change the world forever.

As the chapter progresses, the love and care of Christ is said to be like the cloud that covered and led the children of Israel while they wandered the desert. This branch that Isaiah foretold is also going to provide a coverage for its people. Verses 5 & 6 tell us that this branch will serve as a canopy that will protect from heat during the day and will protect us from storms and rain.

As I read this my mind went back to the first chapter of Isaiah when he tells the people of Judea that they were making a mistake by taking pride in the oaks of the Gentiles. I would like to focus on just how beautiful and seamless this book of Isaiah is by discussing this matter of the terebinth further.

The terebinth tree is one which provides great shade and was often found in cemeteries in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. It can be compared to a oak tree. Leafy and strong, the terebinth is a very good tree. Many of the people of Judea had taken to pagan Gentile worship which sometimes took place in cemeteries. Those hearing this message at the time knew what tree Isaiah was speaking of and had indeed taken comfort in the shade that these trees provided. Metaphorically, the shade provided is the level of comfort felt in the beliefs of their religions.

As Isaiah continues in chapter 1 he warns that the people of Judea who had strayed from God were doomed to become like the terebinth tree whose leaves wither away. This is an interesting point to me because he does not say that their beliefs would become like the terebinth whose leaves wither but that they would become so. This makes sense though. If nothing else, what does a shade tree shade? Itself of course and if the leaves of that shade tree fade away then there is no shade to be had but also none to share. The people of Judea were to become totally unprotected as well as unable to protect anyone else (read chapters 2 and 3 to understand how God would make the people of Judea unable to protect themselves). God was to make not only them personally, but their religion totally useless (a tree with no leaves, a garden with no water).

Enter the Messiah in chapter 4. The tree that the people had loved was now useless and how does Isaiah introduce the Messiah? As a new tree, a new branch that grows from what was once the glorious family tree of King David. A tree that not only the people could glory in, but that God Himself could find glory in. This new tree would provide all needs. Jesus would provide shade, protection, and fruit that those who come to that tree can find pride and honor in. The fruit is a gospel message that gives hope to the hopeless. The shade from heat that those of us who venture into the world daily for work experience in gossip, spite, bad words, and persecution. Protection from from the storm and rains that come from the loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, illnesses. This branch which is Jesus Christ would provide all while at the same time rendering all other trees and beliefs useless (read Romans for more insight on how this happened). What a glorious God we serve and what a blessing it is that we have the book of Isaiah to draw understanding of a Messiah that has come but that at the time was yet to come.

The question then becomes one of introspection. Do I take glory in trees that are not of God? Do I bask in the shade of my worldly status or do I find solace in serving others? Do I sit beneath the shade of God's word daily for reflection or do I spend that time underneath the flickering lights of television? Do I care for my own personal relationship with that branch daily in prayer or do I go long periods of time thinking that without my care and input that tree will still be there when a storm comes? Have you sought Jesus and asked for his protection, love, and fruit or are you following useless matters?

To those who read this and are Christians, please leave comments discussing times in your life that Christ provided you with shade, fruit, or protection.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"You Can't Handle the Truth!"

Without a doubt, one of the all time most memorable lines from cinema in the past twenty years came from Jack Nicholson in the movie “A Few Good Men.” When pressed in a court martial hearing about the practices of the military Jack Nicholson’s character bellows out “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!” He was referring to the fact that while all of us want to feel that we are safe in this world because our military protects us, this security comes with a price. Sometimes things have to be done that many of us don’t want to know about and would not want to get our “hands dirty” doing. It is a thankless job that is done not for gratitude but for purpose.
In Luke 17, our loving Jesus reminds us that we as Christians have a duty to serve Him and His purpose in our lives. We don’t do this job to receive gratitude from Him, our Master, but for purpose. In verses 7-10 Jesus explains that our life is one to be spent in service (WORK) for Him. Jesus reminds us that this is a thankless work in verse 9 and that we are foolish if we expect payment from Him prior to His needs being met. Even then, we are not worthy of payment because we are simply doing our duty.
This sounds so different than the prosperity gospel that is so prevalent today. Today, and I fear even in the Church of Christ, people are being taught that they simply need to be baptized, come to church, and quit their bad habits and that Jesus will pour His blessing upon them. I call foul! This teaching is not in line with Christ’s teachings. Christ is using the parable in Luke 17 to forewarn us that if we expect to meet Him, it’s time to get to work. Our mission is one of duty, not namesake. If we want to be member’s of Christ’s kingdom, it is time to get to work.
So, the question then arises over why are we not teaching this from our pulpits, mission fields, Christian publications, and Sunday School classes? I fear that the answer is that like Jack Nicholson’s character in “A Few Good Men” we are telling believers and non-believers alike that “You can’t handle the truth.” Are we afraid that if we really tell people what is required of them after baptism that our numbers might drop? Is our faith in Jesus really so weak that we believe we have to withhold the actual truth about the narrow gate in order to get people to accept Him? Have we allowed the gospel to become so sugar-coated with political correctness that our churches are now full of members who will walk out should we tell them they are not doing enough to advance Christ’s mission for us? Where are the men and women who will stand up in love and honor and tell our brothers and sisters we see slipping away from the field of duty that they are hindering Christ’s return? All of us are unworthy but none of us have a right to ignore our mission.
Imagine with me: You are standing at the throne of our loving and most powerful God on Judgment Day. God then inquires from you about not only the community around you and those who are lost but those of your home congregation. God may ask “Why did you not tell Jack and Jill that you thought they could do more to help in spreading the gospel? Why did you not tell them they were disgracing the cross by thinking they had done enough for Christ’s kingdom? Why did you not sew these people I put at your feet?” How will God respond when you answer “I didn’t think they could handle the truth?”

This post and many similar posts regarding Christian's missional call may be found at

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"A lot of anger and a lot of hate on both sides"

Below I am posting a link to a video. This video is news coverage from a gay marriage (Prop. 8) protest in which a woman tried to express her Christian views. While the imagery is shocking, one thing stood out to me. As the video closes, the news anchor says "The is a lot of anger and a lot of hate on both sides." My question to him would be this: How can a woman carrying a cross and then after having it ripped from her hands simply folds her hands in prayer be showing anger or hate? What do you take from the anchor's comment? Does he have a motive?

Here's the video link.

Click here for a more in depth and organized report that sheds more light on the matter. This is truly disgusting.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Prayer to Share

I sent out an e-mail this morning to all my friends who I either know or feel pretty sure they have active prayer lives (if you got that e-mail this morning and I'm wrong then I don't know you as well as I thought; something's wrong with that). I was asking for their prayers for my wife and our yet unborn third son. Joy and I were pretty convinced that today was the day that the doc would take the baby as Joy has started having contractions and has felt the baby drop. Long story short though, no baby today. Joy and I are not very good OB-GYN's.

Many of the people I sent that e-mail to sent us well wishes and promises of prayers and we are more than grateful for each and everyone. Seriously, we love you guys and you all make up who we are. One reply stood out though. It was from my Aunt Wanda and it brought me to tears as I read it and I think it will touch you. This is a great model of a prayer for any family who is going through anything and I hope that you can remove the names and replace them with your own or others who you know need prayers. These words come from a woman who heard the gospel call and spent time in Africa as a missionary and whose husband gave his life doing the work of the Lord. I think that is why they mean so much to me. Enjoy:

“Lord, in the precious name of Jesus we lift Joy and Kip up to you now. You see Joy’s pain and the prelude to Kip’s birth, and you have them both held close to your heart at this time in their life’s journey. Father, we stand with her husband before you asking for intervention. Will you guard Joy and Kip as they move through the birth process and keep them safe. Will you touch Joy with your healing hand of Mercy and relieve her of the pain that she is enduring---give her rest, Lord---sweet and deep, as she prepares for Kip’s birth. Will you speak to Dave and show him ways to lighten her load and share her journey. Give Ethan and Luke a quiet spirit so that she is able to rest when she needs to. Will you enable them to get moved into this house with a minimum of distress and upheaval, experiencing the joy in the gift of a larger home.

We love you Lord, and we trust you. You loved Joy before Dave loved her, and you promise to hear his prayers on her behalf as her husband, joined to her in covenant relationship. Help both Joy and Dave to keep their eyes on Jesus, loving you with a true and faithful heart. Bring their friends around them at this time to meet their needs and increase their joy! Thank you, Lord for your love and mercy and your constant faithfulness to your children. Our eyes are on You.

Hallelujah! Our God reigns!!”

Pilgrim's Map of the Day

* Jim Martin does a great job of making one think about their behavior/character in this piece he has written over a A Place for the God Hungry.
* Feel secure in this great nation of ours? Read this article sent to me by Jason Jarrett and then ask yourself if you feel secure about this nation's "great wealth?" Further, what is the collateral? Answer = your freedom.
* I am not going to say anything about this video but just watch and make your own conclusions. Make sure you watch from 3:15 on.

* Got your future tied up in an IRA or 401K? You might want to quickly reconsider that as they are going to be targeted for "redistribution." Read here for more.
* In pathetic news: Read this article about the LSU fan who shot and killed two Alabama fans over a football game this past Saturday.
* Can you tell the difference between The Bible and the writing(s) of Shakespeare? According to Mental Floss I can only do it 80% of the time. Take this fun Bible or The Bard quiz.
* Do you know the story of Jean- Dominique Bauby? Here is a brief article about him and the ideas that stem from his courage. This story always motivates clients in group therapy sessions.

Friday, November 07, 2008

What if Starbucks Marketed Like the Church??

This is a great video that I found on Trey Morgan's blog (a great blog you should check out). I thought it was quite funny. Remember, satire is only funny when draped in truth. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Mistake Becoming a Blessing

Ever found yourself somewhere you do not belong? Ever think you were in the right place only to realize ten minutes later you are in the wrong place? This is what happened to me last Friday night.

Last Friday night my father, two sons, and myself went to our hometown's final football game of the season (which they won and ended their season undefeated, NICE). I really enjoy going, not so much for the football, but for the fact that I get to spend some time with my dad plus Ethan and Luke get to play with their friends during the games. As I mentioned before, Hamilton won the game over a Christian school whose band played Black Sabbath's Paranoid, Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train, and Metallica's Enter Sandman for their halftime show. I got quite the chuckle from that one. During the romp, the p.a. man made an announcement that Hamilton Church of Christ was hosting the Fifth Quarter at Maywood Christian Camp following the game. Now, let me explain. Ryan Gallagher, the fantastic youth minister at Hamilton Church of Christ, requested my churches assistance with the fifth quarter (a meeting of young Christians for fun and worship following football games) during this upcoming football season. Unfortunately, my church was unable to assist and I really felt bad about this because it is such a huge responsibility. Ryan has handled it expertly but still, I feel bad. Well, when I heard that announcement at the football game I thought to myself that it would be nice to show my support to Ryan and his mission for Christ by going with my sons. So, there on the spot, I decided that we would go.
The football game became a blowout and was decided by the opening moments of the third quarter. Well, I asked my dad if he was ready to leave, which he was, and we gathered the boys and left. I dropped dad off at home and decided that we would just head on out to Maywood and maybe spend some time with Ryan and help whoever was prepping the event. I told Ethan and Luke our plans and they were busting at the seams to get there (they LOVE Maywood).
So we make the ten minute drive to Maywood and at the entrance there is a sign pointing to where the fifth quarter was being held so we kept driving and as we rounded the corner that hides the pavilion there my heart rejoiced as I saw maybe 80 to 130 people sitting there. As we neared, I rolled the windows down and my sons and I were embraced by the unmistakable warmth and sound of pure a capella worship. I was thinking to myself: "This is great!!! I can't believe that Ryan is having this good a turn out at these things. The games not even over and look at all these people. I am so glad we came." I said to Ethan and Luke, "This is going to be awesome," as we pulled into a parking place by the pond. As quickly as possible we all exited the vehicle and began walking to the pavilion and I said to Ethan and Luke, "you hear that singing, that's what Heaven will sound like. Please make sure you behave and sing when we sing, pray when we pray, and listen when someone is speaking about Jesus."
We say down as the song leader started singing "Here I am to Worship." What timing! Here we were and I was more than excited to worship my lord with such dedicated young Christians. As we sung I noticed some of the young people were reaching their hands up to Heaven as they sang. I thought to myself, "wow, Ryan even has the kids from The Ramp here. I didn't know the kids from there knew how to sing harmonies." As the song leader sang a few other songs I began to look around. I quickly noticed that I did not recognize any of the faces there. Where was Ryan? What about Kay? Callie? Kalyn? I didn't know any of them and the few I made eye contact with didn't seem to recognize me too much later despite my best Hi-How are ya head nods. Then the song leader said "It's so great to be here this weekend..." Weekend? I thought the fifth quarter just lasted a couple of hours. OH NO!!! I was in the wrong place. The fifth quarter was somewhere else. I didn't even have an exit strategy.
Then it happened. Then my realization that I wasn't in the wrong at all occurred. The song leader stopped singing and asked all there to bow their heads. He then proceeded to lead the congregation in a beautiful ACTS prayer but not just by speaking. He calmly and quietly spoke to us while we prayed and led us through what sort of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication we should lay at out loving God's feet. He kept the prayer on a level that young people could relate to and I was touched by his sincerity. My confirmation that I had been blessed in my error was not complete though. It was complete when I peeked with one eye to make sure my sons were not hanging from the poles or cutting up. As I peeked my senses were flooded with one of the most beautiful images I had ever seen. Beside me, on this frigid night sat my two sons, both with their heads bowed and hands clasped praying a prayer to God. No, I could not see their minds or hear what they were praying, but I know that they were being led in prayer by this fantastic young man who was serving the Lord on this night and that they were making meaningful and sincere communication with our God. I realized that I was not out of place, WE were home. This was where we belonged. No, that IS where we belong.
Following the prayer I simply stood up, took my sons by their hands, and we walked away. We got back in the car and saw another sign that pointed to the fifth quarter. It was up by the putt-putt dream course. I came to find out that it was actually a club from Freed Hardeman University whose worship we encountered (that sounds so much nicer than interrupted). All I can say though is that what I initially viewed as a mistake was actually a blessing. If you were part of that club who met at Maywood on October 31, 2008 please allow me to thank you. You blessed my family and I hope that all of you continue to grow in the Lord. To the worship leader specifically, thank you. Please continue to share your talent and be bold in your ability to bring people to the feet of the throne. Please, if you read this and you were part of that group or know someone who was send them this link as I would love to share with them the blessing that nothing but their simple worship poured on me.

Pilgrim's Map of the Day (with a MUST-READ article)

Well, eventhough many of you who I know read this blog may be disappointed today over a certain election, we must continue to travel on. Hopefully this map of links will help get us there.
* Hey Christian Americans: wanna continue to blame the Democrats and the "liberal agenda media" for abortion in the United States? STOP. Jill Stanek points that the real reasoning that abortion continues to be allowed in this nation lies at the foot of the church. READ THIS COMMENTARY!!! Life will not go on.
* Ever think about how important your friends are to you? Jim Martin has and points out that importance in this excellent writing.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An Election Day Prayer

Dear God,
You are so wonderful. You have filled my life with happiness and joy even though I do not deserve it. You have blessed even though I have made choices in the past that were worthy of your punishment. I am unequipped to fathom the depths of your love, knowledge, and power. You have shaped the world around me to be one in which I can glorify you and have given me the wisdom to know that I must. You are amazing.
I come before you today as a sinner who falls short in so many areas each day. Specifically today I confess the sin of not trusting in you totally. God I have allowed myself to be caught up in the political fervor of our age and of not allowing my faith in you to shine through when discussing the election. Father, when trying to inform people of the facts in this election I have failed to remind people, including myself, that a true faith in you should prevent any fear or concern over what will come on this earth. I have allowed my unfaithfulness to be covered behind the guise of fear for my children's future and I have not taken the time to explain to my children that no matter what happens, it is Your great and Holy will. I have failed to take the opportunity to share my faith in You during each individual conversation I have had regarding this election and I have not reminded my fellow Christian brothers and sisters that no matter who is elected we are commanded by You to respect and follow that man or woman. Please forgive me Father.
Holy God, thank you for allowing me to live in a country where I can pray these words with no fear of state repercussions. Thank you for blessing my life with a wife and children who not only help me to love You but who I can see You in. Thank you for giving me this much time on this Earth and for making Yourself known to me and giving me a mission. Thank you for Your Holy word and the knowledge and comfort that is provided within the Bible. Thank you for giving me a church family that listens to Your will and that strives to make Your presence known on this Earth. Thank you for making me part of the kingdom. Thank you for the blood of Your Son and for it's ability to not only restore me but all who are willing to come to You with a humble heart.
Father, I ask You today to please bring me closer to Your will. Give me the peace to know that no matter what happens in the election of today that Your will is shining through and let me know Your continued will for me as an individual in this nation. Father, please help me to remember that my citizenship is not in this town, state, country, or world. Please help me to remember. Please help me to serve. Please help me to remain respectful of my country's leaders and to allow Jesus Christ to shine through my attitudes and words used when discussing such. Father, please allow my family to continue to grow in Your grace. Father, help me to love you, make me a servant, and use me up for your purposes.

In Jesus' holy and pure name

Monday, November 03, 2008

Pilgrim's Map of the Day

Here's today's map:

* Check out this post over at ...And Another Thing and let me know if you too can see the idol worship. Make sure you read the listed scripture.

* Should elections matter to a Christian? Listen to Brian Nicklaus' thoughts on this matter in the sermon he delivered at Echo Lakes Church of Christ.

Neal Boortz Sums it Up

Tomorrow is election day and for the first time in the 13 years I have had a right to vote I am actually afraid of the outcome. I do not use the term "afraid" lightly. I have a genuine fear that my walk through this pilgrim land is soon to meet a resistance.

Today I feel it necessary to post a writing by Neal Boortz. What you will read below are a series of FACTS that Neal posted today that any voter who wants to consider themself INFORMED should read. Enjoy:

I chose that opening line rather than "what's the use." Election day is tomorrow, so there's definitely a chance here to prevent perhaps irreparable harm to our Republic ... maybe not a huge chance ... but a chance.
Never in the last 100 years has someone so completely inexperienced and so far to the left been so close to becoming our president. It is beyond imagination that we've come to this.
I really don't have the time before I go on the air to craft (if that's the word) a lengthy narrative on this campaign and the importance of our vote tomorrow ... so we go with bullet points. They don't necessarily flow together all that well ... but each gets a point across that is, I think, important.
Who knows ... maybe someone will read some of these points and tell themselves that they just can't pull the trigger for this dangerous leftist when they get into the voting booth. Others will read this and just have their feelings about how much trouble freedom and economic liberty in this country are in totally reinforced.
--One question about Obama that has never been satisfactorily answered is "What has he ever accomplished?" The best his supporters can come up with is "He was elected to the U.S. Senate." So was John McCain ... several times. Besides, take a look at his election. He had two opponents self-destruct with scandal. The GOP had to go to Maryland and talk Alan Keyes into moving to Illinois to run against Obama. Trust me, that win was no sterling accomplishment.
--Don't argue with me here. You'll lose. There is NO constitutional right to vote in a presidential election. We're going to learn in a few days just how smart our founding fathers were in this regard.
--Obama is a product of the Chicago political machine. Several times during his political career Obama had a chance to either cast a vote or make a statement against the corruption that permeates Chicago's machine. Never – not on one occasion – did he do so.
--The fact is, Obama has benefited from corruption (Tony Rezko?) but has never fought it.
Do you know how Obama won his first election in Illinois? He had campaign operatives go to the voting office and work hundreds of hours pouring over petitions to have his opponents thrown off the ballot. I guess that means that this is the first real election battle he's ever been in!
--I guess it's just me, but all this time I thought that the government used its power to seize property ... i.e., to tax ... in order to fund the necessary and appropriate functions of government. Now, under Obama, we've learned that one of the appropriate functions of government is to take from those who have and give to those who have not. I prefer a different phraseology: Take from those who achieve, and give to those who achieve not. Karl Marx was of a like mind.
--Obama's "spread the wealth around" mantra means that he believes that we do not leave our homes every morning to work for ourselves and our families. We leave our homes to work for the government. We belong to government, not to ourselves. The government will determine how much of the money we earn we deserve to keep .. the rest goes to people the government believes to be even more deserving of the fruits of our labors.
--Obama's candidacy would have faltered before an educated electorate. Why do you think Democrats love government schools so much? Do you want examples? I've got examples.
--Obama says he's going to give tax cuts to 95% of Americans. Americans don't realize that over 40% of their numbers don't pay income taxes; and since they don't realize that, they aren't asking themselves how Obama can give a tax cut to someone who doesn't pay taxes.
--Obama has effectively change the definition of "tax cut." From now on any government handout to any worker is a tax cut. Changing this definition may well be one of their greatest accomplishments in this election and that new definition will cause us problems for decades.
--Obama constantly rants about those dirty corporations who shipped "our jobs overseas." An educated voter knows that those jobs belong to the employers, not the employees. Workers look for jobs. Employers with jobs look for workers. Pretty simple, really.
--Obama also tells us that 95% of small businesses out there will not have their taxes increased. The only reason this line works is because our government educated voters cannot grasp the idea that it isn't the percentage of small businesses hit with tax increases that counts; it's the percentage of small business employees represented by the unfortunate 5% that counts. Tomorrow thousands of workers – perhaps tens of thousands of workers – employed by what we call "small businesses" will cast a vote that, a year or so down the road, will cost them their jobs.
--Over the weekend Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry if they tried to build any more coal-fired power plants. Can any of you think of a time when any president has ever made an overt threat to bankrupt a large American industry?
--Obama says that his "cap and trade" policy for controlling greenhouse gas emissions is going to cost electricity prices to "skyrocket." Oops ... there goes some of that middle class "tax cut." Guess he'll have to transfer some more wealth to help his constituents pay the increased price.
--There are literally millions of Obama supporters out there who think that once Obama becomes the president their lives are going to become sweetness, roses and light. One woman at an Obama rally
--Remember Obama's 30-minute infomercial? If a foreigner with no knowledge of our country or our people were to see that program they would think that America was a country mired in abject misery and depravation. Thanks, Obama, for the nice positive message.
--How long after the election, whether Obama wins or loses, do you think it will take for that America-hater Jeremiah Wright to surface?
--The top 10% of income earners in this country pay over 70% of all income taxes. The top 1% of income earners earn around 19% of all income, but they pay almost 39% of all income taxes. When these people don't want to give up a larger share of their earnings Obama call's them "selfish."
When someone is content to sit on their butts and wait for Obama to transfer some wealth from someone else to their pockets they are not "selfish."
--Every one of the points I am bringing up here is "hate speech" to an Obamacon.
The great Democrat goal is to have more than 50% of the voters living, at least in part, on the efforts of the minority of voters. When we pass that tipping point ... and we're nearly there ... game over.
--In every election since 1952 Democrats have told the voters "vote for the Republicans and they'll take your Social Security away." In every election after 2008 the Democrats will say "Vote for the Republicans and they're going to make you pay taxes." Then if Obama wins again, in every election after 2012 Democrats will say "Vote for the Republicans and they'll make you pay for your own Social Security and Medicare." How long before we hear: "Vote for the Republicans and they'll make you work for a living!"
--Obama will definitely destroy your right to be armed outside of your own home for your own protection. The question is whether we count the time until he accomplishes this in days, weeks, months or years.
--Do you see now why politicians, especially Democrats, aren't fond of the FairTax? Without playing his tax scam and wealth envy card Obama would have been toast by Super Tuesday.
--Surveys in Israel show that 76% of Israeli citizens want McCain to win. American Jews will vote for Obama by pretty much the same percentage. What do Jews in Israel know that Jews in America do not?
Peter Nicholas is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. He has been traveling with Obama for almost the entire campaign. Nicholas writes "After all this time with him, I still can't say with certainty who he is." Nicholas doesn't know him, but so many voters are so sure they do.
--Obama wants a national civilian security force that, in his words, is "just as strong as our military." Who would they serve under? What would their mandate be? Would they be unionized? (oh HELL yes!). Would this be like the Soviet Union under Communism where neighbors ratted on neighbors for anti-government statements? And what does he mean "as strong as our military?" Would this national civilian security force have nukes? Tanks? Fighter planes? Are we just talking about a glorified national police? (Show us your papers!)
--Obama has talked about reducing spending on our military. One leading Democrat Senator has suggested a 25% spending cut on defense. Do you feel comfortable with that? You do know that all of the savings would be spent on buying votes, don't you?
--Do you home school your children? Obama has called home schooling a fraud. Put him in office and you'll be putting your kids back in government schools for their indoctrination.
--Do you run a small business? If Obama wins start planning immediately to lower your work force. The best way to do this would be through efficiency measures and temporary staffing agencies. Not only is Obama going to make it easier for your workers to unionize ... he's going to expand onerous measures such as the Family Leave Act. You will end up paying your employees a good portion of their salary to lay out for weeks on end.
--Maybe you shop at Wal-Mart. Get ready for higher prices. Obama's instant unionization bill will surely result in the unionization of Wal-Mart's workforce. In fact, as much as Democrat politicians hate Wal-Mart, it's safe to say that Wal-Mart is target number one. The result? Higher prices for you. If Obama can call a government handout a tax cut, we can call higher prices a tax increase. This will be Obama's tax increase on the poor and the middle class

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Million Thanks

WOW!!!! That is all that Joy and I can think to say. WOW!!!! because of the outpouring of gifts, love, and individual talents on display at Kingsville Church of Christ tonight. With Baby Kip less than one month away the ladies at Kingsville held Joy a baby shower tonight following church services. The amount of gifts given is extraordinary and we will be without want for quite some time now. How blessed we are to be members of the Lord's kingdom and to be part of a community who takes such pleasure in helping one another. Also, thanks to you guys who helped me load the SUV down with all the gifts. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!