Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Post - 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. As I prepare to start my day of feasting and spending time with family I thought that I would just make a listing of the people in 2008 who I am thankful for begin a part of my life and stemming growth in me. I thank all of you for who you are.

  • Joy Brumley - My wife. You have accepted me and deal with me despite my many flaws. You are a wonderful wife and mother and have inspired me to grow spiritually in ways that I can not put into words. As you prepare to deliver our third child this Sunday I have to tell you how amazed I am by you. Thank you for sticking by me and for showing your love to me.
  • Ethan and Luke Brumley - My sons. The two of you have saved my life by becoming my life. I cannot think of a greater gift than to get to watch the two of you grow. You both are perfect and I tremble at the fact that I get to call you sons.
  • David Brumley - My father. No other person has taught me more about charity and long suffering than you. Thank you for laying out such an admirable example before me.
  • Linda Brumley - My mother. Your kindness and willingness to put others before yourself is something that I will never manage to live up to.
  • The elders of Kingsville Church of Christ - My mentors. Thank all of you for your devotion to God. Thank you for your support in ideas that others and myself want to try to advance the gospel. Your thoughtfulness and desire to follow New Testament principles keeps the gospel burning at our church.
  • Jason Jarrett - My deacon. Jason, I see the fire that is burning in you and I admire your courage greatly. From your willingness to make the decision to home school to your great ideas to bring groups of Christians together on days other than Sunday or Wednesday, I am impressed. I learn from you and hope to continue growing with you.
  • Amber Jarrett - My mirror. Your willingness to admit flaws and to look to God for the answers is what true Christianity is about. I have learned much from you this year and you have given me courage to look deeper into my soul for what needs fixing.
  • Michael Burks - My friend. Michael, thank you for your willingness and ideas in helping out with our youth program at Kingsville. Thank you for your honesty and hope for a better tomorrow. I hope to continue growing with you.
  • Anthony Lindley - My children's friend. Thank you for the work that you have done teaching my children on Sunday morning. I know that they have learned from you about being a Christian man. You have made a lasting impression on them and on me for your willingness to make and follow-through with tough decisions.
  • Linda Real - My muscle. Thank you for your strength. I have watched you for years fight for Jesus but I have never seen you fight like I have this year. Your strength is amazing. Thank you for the honor of asking me to eulogize your husband who I loved and miss.
  • Anita Real - My teacher. Since childhood I have learned from you and John. Your lessons that I have applied in my life have gone much further than what I learned as a child in your Sunday School class. As Christian spouses, parents, leaders, and workers I have known none better. Thank you for the honor of speaking at the funeral of the toughest and greatest Christian's funeral I have ever known.
  • Will White - My brother. Will, I can not think of anyone who has had a tougher year than you. Still you have managed to navigate 2008 with a smile on your face and hope in your heart. Thank you for your example and friendship.
  • Matt Thigpen - My past. Matt, I look at you and the life you have chosen and I see the life I wish I had chosen when I was your age. Thank you for your toughness, desire to serve, and love of Christ. Thank you for allowing me to grow with you.
  • Ryan Gallagher - My missionary. Ryan, you are truly doing the work that Christ set before us. I see the effect of your efforts on our mutual youths and I am amazed and happy that Christ has chosen this road for you at this time. Thank you for being willingness to serve, your great ideas, and for your support in what we are trying to do in this small part of the world.
  • John Paul - My friend. Thank you for your honesty, desire to change, and what you are doing. You are not only making Max and Emily's world a better place but mine as well. I'm fighting with you.

I am sure I have left people off this list that I need to thank and everyone who I contact each day plays a huge part in me getting to where I want to be. I would be remiss if I did not thank Jesus Christ as well. You love me and that is all I need. Thank you.

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